Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a collective name for a group of DNA viruses that are transmitted from person to person and cause the development of benign neoplasms - papillomas. Some varieties are oncogenic (that is, they increase the risk of malignant tumors). HPV is most commonly associated with cervical cancer, which kills thousands of women around the world each year. However, these viruses also affect the development of other cancers: not only in women, but also in men.
HPV does not manifest as symptoms for a long time - patients often do not find out until precancerous conditions or cancer develop. HPV is a threat to patients of all genders and ages, including young children. But still, its main "target audience" is people between the ages of 15 and 30: they are sexually active, don't always think about precautions, and in most cases, HPV is sexually transmitted.
To prevent the impact of the virus on the body from going so far, it is recommended to regularly check your state of health: to exclude the pathologies it can cause. There are also tests for HPV to detect the presence of oncogenic strains. Take care of your health now: make an appointment at the Otradnoye polyclinic and see a doctor without having to queue or adapt to a schedule that bothers you
What is HPV
Human papillomaviruses, entering the body through skin microtraumas, are introduced into the cells of the basal layer of the epithelium. HPV can exist in any layer of the epidermis. However, its reproduction occurs exclusively in the basal layer.
The virus develops in 2 stages:
- Reproductive - the virus enters the cell without affecting its chromosomes and multiplies.
- Integrative - HPV is introduced into the genome of an infected cell.
It is during the second stage that the virus transforms the cells. They begin to actively divide, and tumor-like formations - papillomas - appear. These are papillary growths that protrude from the surface of the skin (this is why they are called: papilloma - from the Latin papilla - nipple and Greek oma - tumor). The second stage does not always happen. The virus, being in the first stage of development, is able to regress (leave the body). However, even if the patient does not have pathological changes, he is a carrier of HPV and is capable of infecting other people.
The incubation period can last from 3 weeks to a year. On average, it's 3 months. In some cases, non-genital forms of papillomas first appear, and then neoplasms appear on the genitals.

In most cases, the body copes with the virus within 2 years. However, reinfection can occur - with the same strain or a different strain. In addition, papillomas or other skin manifestations may regress after 6 to 8 months (gradually decrease and then disappear). This happens when the immune system suppresses the virus and "survives" from the cells.
The HPV virus most often affects the skin and mucous membranes:
- Anogenital area.
- Upper respiratory tract.
- Oral cavity.
- Bronchus.
- Conjunctives.
- Rectum.
- Esophagus.
Types of HPV
The first human papillomavirus (HPV) was isolated in 1971. And scientist Harald zur Hausen was able to identify and prove the link between HPV and cervical cancer. Subsequently, he received the Nobel Prize for his discoveries.
About 600 different strains of HPV are known to date. Some cause the appearance of warts, others - genital warts, and others - papillomas. There are also types among HPVs that affect the development of cancerous tumors. They are called oncogenes. Fortunately, there aren't many. They can have low, medium or high oncogenic potential:
- Strains 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70, 72, 81 have low oncogenicity.
- Medium oncogenicity in types 26, 31, 33, 35, 51, 52, 53, 58, 66.
- High oncogenic potential in strains 16, 18, 39, 45, 56, 59, 68, 73, 82.
Cancer of the cervix is mainly caused by types 16 and 18.
Help!The presence of an oncogenic type of HPV in the body does not mean that a person is “doomed” to cancer. The presence of the virus increases the risk of developing cancer, but is not the only reason for their appearance.If a patient has an oncogenic strain of HPV, it is enough for him to closely monitor his state of health, to undergo regular preventive examinations. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.
The reproductive systems of women and men are capable of infecting approximately 40 types of papillomavirus. The result of their activity is not only cancer, but also genital warts or warts.
Help!Cancerous tumors grow slowly: within 5 to 30 years of infection with the papillomavirus. They are preceded by precancerous conditions (benign neoplasms that can degenerate into malignant). This is why it is so important to have regular preventive examinations. And precancerous conditions, and even cancer in the initial stages, are perfectly treatable and dangerous consequences can be avoided.
HPV transmission routes
The main "condition" of infection is the presence of microdamages (wounds, cracks, scratches) of the skin or mucous membranes. These are the “doors” to HPV.
The most common transmission of the virus occurs when the skin or mucous membranes of two people come into contact. Therefore, the main route of papillomaviruses is sexual contact. In addition, the use of condoms does not exclude the possibility of infection. The virus can be transmitted by mouth, during which contraception is not always used. In addition, the condom does not cover the entire surface of the penis and is often put on halfway through intercourse. HPV can also be contracted by kissing.
HPV can also be transmitted:
- From mother to child when the baby passes through the birth canal.
- At home: when using other people's hygiene products (towels, toothbrushes, shaving accessories).
- In public places: saunas, gymnasiums, swimming pools.
Help!The survival time of papillomaviruses in the external environment is short. Therefore, the risk of domestic infection, although it exists, is much lower than with sexual contact.
Self-infection is also possible: transfer of the virus from one part of the body to another during waxing, scratching the skin, biting the nails.
Infection through contact with a virus does not occur in all cases. The following factors increase the risk:
- Decreased immunity.
- Bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse.
- Stress.
- Sexually transmitted infections.
- Diseases of the urinary system.
- Injury to the skin and mucous membranes.
- Immunodeficiency states.
- Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.
Help!Oncogenic strains of HPV are more dangerous for women than for men because they are more often infected.
HPV: symptoms
Papillomaviruses are able to show no symptoms for a long time. Usually the patient already learns about the presence of HPV with the development of its consequences: the appearance of warts, papillomas, genital warts. In some cases, the following signs may indicate the presence of a virus:
- Redness, skin growths (most often in the genital area);
- Itching.
- Pain and other discomfort during or after sex.
What diseases can HPV cause?
Papillomaviruses, first of all, cause the growth of papillomas, warts and genital warts in patients of both sexes. All of the above neoplasms can occur on any part of the body. However, most often they affect the genitals and anal area. In women, they occur in the vulva, cervix, and vagina. In men - the scrotum, the head of the penis, the foreskin. In patients of both sexes, neoplasms often appear in the anus.
In addition, warts often appear on the soles, larynx, vocal cords. Papillomas (flesh-colored papillomas) do not have a "favorite spot" - they can appear on the trunk, neck, face, arms and legs. In children and adolescents, flat warts are the most common (they are also called young or juvenile). These are small, dark neoplasms (3-5mm) that protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. Most often they occur on the backs of the hands, face and legs.

As with cancer, most patients are associated with HPV primarily with cancer of the cervix. Indeed, this pathology is very common in our time. However, in women, HPV also often causes the development of cancer of the vagina and vulva (65-70% of cases), in men - cancer of the penis (50% of cases). Also, in women and men, papillomaviruses can contribute to the development of malignant tumors:
- rectum;
- oral cavity;
- larynx.
In children, HPV, as a rule, is manifested by the growth of papillomas against the background of a decrease in immunity due to previous diseases, usually viral or bacterial infections. In addition, papillomaviruses infect young patients with allergic reactions or frequent colds.
HPV and pregnancy
Papillomaviruses negatively affect female fertility. If they are present, the probability of pregnancy is halved, as HPV can interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg. If the partner is also infected with the virus (which happens in 65-70% of cases), the possibility of conception decreases even more. HPV has a negative effect on sperm motility.
In pregnancy, the papilloma virus increases the risk of developing:
- Little or polyhydramnios.
- Chronic placental insufficiency. HPV
- can also cause miscarriage.
Therefore, pregnant women are prescribed sparing drug therapy, which can significantly reduce all of the above risks.
When a child passes through the birth canal, there is a risk of infection. Therefore, it is better for women with HPV to give birth by cesarean section - the risk of transmitting the virus is reduced by 5 times.
Changes in a hormonal background cause rapid growth of genital warts. They can grow together, which can lead to difficulties in the acts of urination and defecation, unpleasant sensations when walking, bleeding. During childbirth, neoplasms are easily injured. They can also prevent the baby from passing through the birth canal. To prevent all of this, genital warts are treated early in pregnancy. Methods such as cryodestruction, laser surgery, etc. are used.

To diagnose HPV, they first see a doctor. Depending on the manifestations of the virus, he will refer the patient to diagnostic studies and to a narrow specialist (gynecologist, urologist, dermatologist, oncologist, proctologist, etc. ).
Both women and men can be assigned exams such as:
- ELISA blood test - according to its results it is impossible to determine the concentration and oncogenicity of the virus, but antibodies against it can be detected, the method is ideal for early diagnosis, when thesymptoms have not yet appeared.
- PCR diagnostics - allows you to detect HPV DNA, that is, it lets you know exactly whether there is a virus in the body or not; blood, saliva, genital secretions, etc. are taken for analysis.
- Digene-test - allows you to assess the degree of oncogenicity of a strain, to establish the amount of virus in the body; biomaterial is a piece of tissue, scraping from the cervical canal, vagina or urethra.
Women are prescribed the following types of examinations:
- Cytological examination (PAP test) - examination of a vaginal smear under a microscope to identify cells damaged by the virus.
- Colposcopy - examination of the cervix using a colposcope, this procedure is assigned to the patient if altered cells were found according to the results of the cytological examination.
There is no specific treatment for HPV (ie intended to destroy it). However, there are steps you can take to suppress the activity of the virus and increase the likelihood of self-healing. The patient is prescribed:
- Vitamins.
- Immunomodulators.
- Antiviral drugs.
Symptomatic treatment is also carried out - removal of neoplasms. In any case, you should not try to treat condyloma, papilloma and warts with folk remedies. There is a risk of causing the development of a secondary infection or the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant tumor.
The following methods are used to remove neoplasms:
- Removal with a scalpel.
- Cryodestruction (freezing with liquid nitrogen).
- Removal with a radio knife.
- Laser removal.
- Electrocoagulation.
The method is chosen by the doctor depending on the nature and location of the neoplasm, as well as the condition of the patient's body.

Preventive methods include maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regularly strengthening immunity with the help of a full and varied diet, moderate physical activity and restquality. It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene, not to use the accessories of others. To avoid the risk of infection, you should refrain from casual sex and use barrier contraception.
Also nowadays there is the possibility of vaccination against certain highly oncogenic strains of HPV. Vaccinations are recommended between 9 and 26 years old (optimal age is 11 to 12 years old). Women can be vaccinated after 26 years of age, but only if the gynecologist believes there is evidence. It should be borne in mind that vaccination does not cure a virus already in the body, but prevents infection with some of its particularly dangerous types.